At Taiwan Excellence, we believe that education and skill development are the pillars for fostering growth for young kids that can aid them personally and professionally.
70% of India resides in rural areas where basic education facilities are still a challenge. Due to this very lack, it restricts
the kids in these regions from exploring opportunities for self-advancement to a well-paid employment.
The cause aims to build self-esteem, confidence & leadership skills among these kids.
Being at the forefront of technology and innovative products, Taiwan Excellence also acknowledges that e-waste management is a real world problem and is perilous to human health and our ecosystem.
India is the world’s 3rd biggest contributor to e-waste with 3.2 million tonnes of e-waste generated every year. The adverse impact of untreated e-waste on our environment causes emission of hazardous substances that mixes with the air we breathe. Not only individual health, but also increase in the landfills can disrupt the eco-system.